On Point Nepean Road 

26th June - 10th July

Each day during Victoria’s Covid19 lock-down, which lasted well over 100 days, Jacob, as part of his permitted daily exercise, would take himself across the road from his home, to a small park on Point Nepean Road, Tootgarook - in order to draw the trees, as well as other components of the natural landscape – in all elements.

From this daily ritual, the drawings developed into larger paintings, offering not only a record of this one particular parkland, in a very particular year; but also the comfort of continuity and the abiding sense of solace that a small piece of coastal foreshore might reveal during such unsettling times.

It is hoped, that surrounded by these works in a small gallery, a viewer might be conscious of a rapport, not only with these narrow and invaluable stretches of vegetation, but also with Jacob’s very particular sense of place during the past year. 

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